Friday, January 22, 2016

Waiting on God

No matter where I have lived (Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas) I always think of Winter as a time of waiting….waiting to “Spring” clean; waiting for Spring to bloom in beauty; and waiting to move at a more rapid pace.  Today here in Southeast Texas we are actually having a winter day…the high will be 50!  Brrr.  So, I’m inside drinking hot coffee and thinking of making hot chocolate…this gal is not going outside where, with the wind chill, it feels like below zero (according to me not the weatherperson)!   Instead I am pondering the concept of WAITING.

Read with me , James 5:7-8 (NLT)  Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. 8 You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near.
Being willing to wait on the Lord is the equivalent to being patient!  God’s “Wait” Room is a personal training room for each believer…I truly believe that God wants us to participate in the exercise of patience!

It seems to me there is always something or someone we are waiting for or on! And that waiting takes patience!  Every day presents plenty of occasions for “wait” training in patience!  We can get angry about having to wait; we can be resolute and accept that we have to wait; or we can get a blessing and a lesson from waiting…and get good at it!  One thing for sure and certain (Amish saying) we cannot avoid having to wait.

If you are thinking, “OH NO!...I HATE WAITING!” listen to God’s wonderful promise:
Isaiah 40:31 (ESV) but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
I’m hearing God telling us, loud and clear, there are times when we need to slow down and wait on Him. We need to wait on God to give us directions. I really identify with this quote from the New England preacher Phillips Brooks(1800’s)…One day a friend saw him pacing the floor like a caged lion. 'What is the trouble, Dr. Brooks?' asked his friend. 'The trouble is,' replied Brooks, 'that I'm in a hurry, but God isn't!

Patience is what James is addressing in 5:7-8. What does it mean to wait on God? Here are some things waiting on the Lord is not: Being lazy; hibernating; nor abandoning His kingdom-work.  The kind of patience to which James is referring can only be achieved by a person who has totally surrendered his/her life to Jesus Christ.  I love slowing myself down by quoting Psalm 46:10a (ESV)  Be still, and know that I am God…
So, for the next week, let’s practice “Being Still”…. And exercising in God’s “Wait Room”.  You can be sure…there are some more patience thoughts I want to share!

Closets Are Meant To Be Used!

There is something about January that makes me clean out  cabinets and drawers.  I love it!  But, even though I go in my closet every day, I can’t say that it is clean and organized. I’ve just got to share my closet thoughts with you!

CLOSET S ARE MEANT TO BE USED….I’m voting against sterile, organized closets.  Anyone can purchase various shelf fixtures, multi-hanger units, plastic containers, and rolling baskets to completely organize a closet. There are many places to purchase the closet-organizer materials: via television infomercials, specialized container stores, “do-it-yourself” hardware stores, or discount catalogs (just to name a few).   However, there are those of us who miss the sturdy wooden rods and shelves of yesteryear. Closets smelled better then.   There seems to be something so impersonal about white wire filling every space in the closets.  More importantly, there are good reasons for never organizing your closets and continuing to fill them to capacity.

First of all, filled-to-capacity closets help you make a good impression when people come to visit. There is no need to have a cluttered look to your home.  Just place in closets any objects that fall into the following categories: 1) seasonal clothes, tools, toys, and decorations; 2) souvenirs, memorabilia, and knickknacks which you are not willing to discard but you have no desire to display; 3) possessions such as electric card shufflers, gadgets for unscrewing light bulbs and all “Ronco” products which you might need someday; and 4) umbrellas of various sizes which you have purchased or found.  By storing the above items in closets you will be prepared if “Heloise”, “Martha Stewart” or any other homemaker extraordinare comes for an unexpected visit. Visitors will be amazed with your home décor and not distracted with a mishmash of trinkets, gadgets, and other trifles.  Always remember Closet Rule Number One: Never, Never let anyone but yourself open a closet. Visitors must know that closets are not a part of your “open house.”

Stuffed closets provide a sense of accomplishment.  Because closets tend to get (yes, this could be an understatement) over-crowded there are always hours of work available for closet cleaning.  The rainy season provides a perfect opportunity for this activity since you need to find a couple of those hidden umbrellas anyway.  Choose one closet to stack, hang, and discard according to your inclinations. Closet cleaning is an individual activity; do not accept help.  There are cleaning choices that can be made only by you. Choosing plastic storage bins, paper bags, or just neat piles is a decision that varies with the closet cleaner! Make a note when engaging in this activity to buy lots of trash bags and to alert charity thrift stores that a huge donation will be forth coming!    A not to be ignored benefit to cleaning a closet is that a space to restuff is again available. Remember Closet Rule Number Two: Show off the clean closet to family and friends and enjoy the oohs and aahs of admiration.

Full-to-bursting closets also serve as the EMS (Emergency Services) unit of your household.  Store gifts you have been given and cannot use in this closet. In an emergency, when the gift-giver arrives, all you have to do is bring out the object for temporary display. These closets can also store recycle items which are the gifts you receive and can use as an “I need a gift” emergency. This is the perfect place for storing all of the great bargains you have picked up at garage sales, thrift stores, and end-of-the month department store sales. Definitely this is the place to store those “you’ll never believe how much I saved on this” items. The emergency closet takes away pressure. There is never cause for alarm when a  “white elephant” gift for fun parties is needed.   Your emergency closet will also enhance your community reputation. Local charities rise up and call you blessed because you are always able to put donations in the charity bags that are hung on your door.   This closet can handle the direst emergency of all.  When the unexpected minister, principal, or neighbor arrives at your door a true closet stuffer can deposit dirty dishes, piles of toys, newspapers, craft projects, and/or forbidden snacks in the emergency closet in less than three minutes.  Don’t ever forget Closet Rule Number Three: The emergency closet is a place to toss quickly; do not worry about form.

The best reason for having chock-full closets is to provide children with hours of enjoyment.  My first closet memories began when I was a young girl. On special days my grandmother would let me play in her closet.  There were so many options.  I could dress up like a lady; have department store sales, or make a cozy lair for day dreaming.  There were also boxes of ancient family pictures to peruse.  Not only did I love Grandma’s closet, but my dolls and paperdolls loved it too!   Grandma’s closet was a hiding place for us.  When the Jewel Tea man came to sell his household products, Grandma and I would hide in the closet if she didn’t have the money to pay her bill!  If Mrs. Teeny from down the street came to visit and Grandma didn’t have time to talk all afternoon, into the closet we went.  Best of all, no matter how many times I hid, I could always scare my grandpa when he came home from work and I jumped out of the closet!  Grandma’s closet was a happy haven for me.

My mother continued the closet tradition by allowing my sons to invade her closets.  They found materials that allowed them to become clowns, hunters, aliens, and fishermen.  Her closets also provided quiet places for being alone and thinking, plus great hiding places for hide ‘n seek games. Of course, one of their favorite games was to hide from Grandpa and scare him when they jumped out of the closet! (Wonder who taught them that skill!) Closet Rule Number Four is a tradition in my family: Always allow children and their imaginations to play in your closets.

As I look at the latest gadget that enables one to hang eight winter coats on a single fold down hanger I can’t help but wonder, “Why would anyone want to hang eight coats on one hanger? You would never be able to hide Christmas and birthday presents way out of sight.”

Do understand there are some rules of etiquette for closet stuffing.  Open food items must be discarded after the immediate emergency.  Heavy objects should be stored low to protect body and limbs.  Males should never share storage closets with females.  Their storage items are not compatible.  How can you possible put an antique lace doll in the same space with smelly fishing waders?  Never have a written inventory of the closet contents.  A wonderful part of being a closet aficionado is appreciating the sense of expectation and adventure when opening a closet.  The final Closet Rule is to always be able to keep the door closed!

This article has inspired me.  I am in the process of having a carpenter come in and build three more closets.  Who knows what I will need to store in the next few years?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Just Thinking....

I am convinced you cannot love too much!  I am talking about the faithful kind of love that is selfless and faithful to God's love.  
John 15:12  This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

Friday, January 8, 2016

I like this quote!

"There is nothing better or more necessary than love."
--St. John of the Cross


Hi !

Let’s make the year 2016, the year we TALK, TELL, SPEAK, SHARE, and DISCUSS!  I am so convinced and convicted that we all need to be sharing our story – our personal journey with Jesus.  Others need to know what happens between us and Jesus during the hard times, the good times, the confusing times and yes, the times of doubt and the just run-of-the-mill ordinary times.  We must share, as naturally as we breathe, our on-going HISTORY – His Story in our lives.

We have two young friends from Virginia, Scott and Ellen Park. Since September of 2015, Scott has been critically ill and in intensive care at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland. Why am I sharing this with you?  I’m sharing this because Ellen through her personal witness at Johns Hopkins and through the lives she is touching through Facebook continues to share her journey with Jesus during what she has entitled her “Divine Chaos”.  Ellen has encouraged and inspired me; her honest journaling has brought me closer to Jesus. I want to follow in her steps.

We can and must tell our stories.  We must honestly share our daily journey with Jesus.  We have so much to share – we have such a great and powerful Lord.  In my walk I recognize how patient and merciful Jesus is with me and this I know: others need that in their lives. I am convinced that people are not looking for “perfect” Christians; instead they are looking for honest, vulnerable, “real” Christians.

Social media is “the thing” in our culture today.  We are social media…the lives we live; the words we share… that is what communicates to those around us.  We are living advertisements for our Lord Jesus.  What I want to ask myself and suggest you ask the same, “Is my walking, talking and living communicating, follow me to Jesus?

Jesus taught this principle of sharing our personal Jesus journey in his parables of salt and light.  Matthew 5:16 (ESV) In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
And I love the practicality of this paraphrase…Matthew 5:16 (MSG)  Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
A light is to be visible and obvious, not secret or hidden.  Don’t keep your journey with Jesus to yourself… we have no idea how He might use our stories, our lights, our lives to draw someone to Himself.

Ephesians 3:20 (NLT) Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.


Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years Points to Remember

Hi !
Thoughts on the first day of 2016!  Isn’t that exciting?  I love the fact that as children of God we live in expectation…anticipation…and eagerness to watch what the Lord is doing in our personal life and in the lives of those around us!!  We don’t know what 2016 will bring but we do know that our Almighty Heavenly Father is in charge!
I just love New Year’s Day. The good news is that each year is an opportunity for new beginnings and a fresh start. But then so is each week. Every Sunday is the first day of the week – a new beginning. Actually, every day is an opportunity for a new beginning.    Our God gives us new beginnings through our lives!  Lamentations 3:23 (NLT)  Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
As we enter the New Year there are four things I want to remember:
1. Interruptions in my life are inevitable and God allows them for a purpose.  There will be times in the coming year when I will want to say, “WAIT, this is not the way I planned it.” By trusting Christ I can look at all interruptions as adventures with Him! Romans 8:28 (NLT)  And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
2. My Attitude sets my agenda for my day – my week – my month – my year! Philippians 2:5 (NLT) You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Think about Him…Jesus is the perfect model of humility and being a servant.  Perhaps a new habit to develop in 2016 would be to constantly ask servant questions: “What can I do to help?” “How can I serve in this place?”  “If it were me, what would I want or need?” “Can I lend you a hand?”
3. Cheerful and joyful living is my choice.  When I choose to see all happenings in my life as blessings from God then my heart is glad. When my heart is glad even the rain drops look like love tokens from God.  Helen Keller who was born blind once said, Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. This kind of living can only flow from the love and joy that Jesus puts in my heart. You see, Jesus not only gave His life for us, but He gives His life to us right now! And His life in us fills us with joy and abundant life.  John 10:10 (NLT) …My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
4. The action word for my life is surrender. Spiritual victory and true happiness stems from me giving all that I am to Him.  My surrender is based on this fact: God Is Good. He wills only the best for me.  I lose out whenever I decide to do my own thing instead of God’s will. Surrendering to Him always makes us become more than we could every achieve ourselves.  Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Ephesians 3:20 (NLT) Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Happy New Year !

A thought for the New Year ...2016

True Bible faith is confident obedience to God's Word in spite of circumstances and consequences.


About Me

Beaumont, Texas, United States
I have been married to Ralph, a retired Baptist minister, for many years. We have two adult sons. After retiring from teaching, I became a freelance writer and speaker for Christian audiences - especially women. My heart's desire is to share the lessons God has taught and is teaching me during my journey with Him. I love writing and teaching and I think I'm going to love "blogging"! There is such great joy and laughter in living with Jesus; I want to share that with others.